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Helpful link: http://sec.gov/investor/pubs/cyberfraud/newsletter.htm


WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by SmallCap Consultants Inc., for advertising services on APDN.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by SmallCap Consultants Inc., for advertising services on PPRW.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by SmallCap Consultants Inc., for advertising services on STWG.

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by Radar3 Inc. for advertising services OWVI.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by SmallCap Consultants Inc., for advertising services for VSMR.

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by Green Horseshoe Holdings Inc. for this advertisement of SNWT.

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by 247 Media Inc. for this advertisement of CTHP.

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by 234 Media Inc. for this advertisement of CRGE.

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by 234 Media Inc. for this advertisement of OMCY.

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by WFWS Consulting Inc. for the advertisement on BROE.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Katalyst Corp. for the advertisement on PPTO.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Gross Marketing LLC. for the advertisement on PSGI.

WB has been compensated $8,000.00 by Habana Investments Inc. for the advertisement of SLPO.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Green Horseshoe Holdings Inc. for the advertisement on IMCI.

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by Small Cap Consultants Inc. for this advertisement on STWG.

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by Oden, Ltd. for this advertisement on CCBX.

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by Small Cap Consultants Inc. for this advertisement on CYRS.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Gross Marketing LLC. for the advertisement on PVRE.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by WFWS Consulting Inc. for the advertisement on EVII.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Mainstreet Inc. for the advertisement on OWVI

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by, Bruin Industries Inc. for the advertisement on BOCL.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by WFWS Consulting Inc. for the advertisement on TNSI.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Habana Inc. for the advertisement on LUXE.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by HABANA Inc. for the advertisement on PPTO.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Alex Consulting Inc. for the advertisement on IKTO.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Green Horseshoe Inc. for the advertisement on SNWT.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Gross Marketing LLC. for the advertisement on MCKE.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Cosworth Communications Ltd. for the advertisement on AAPH.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Green Horseshoe Inc. for the advertisement on AMCG.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Small Cap Consultants Inc for the advertisement of AGRT.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by a third party, Green Horseshoe Inc. for the advertisement on EYSM.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Gross Marketing Inc. for the advertisement on RVBF.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Green Horseshoe Inc. for the advertisement on KCMH.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Green Horseshoe Inc. for the advertisement on ECTE.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by WFWS Consulting Inc. for the advertisement on BROE.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Wall Street Grand Inc. for the advertisement on BWIH.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00, by Carrillo Huettel, LLP. for this advertisement on PNGM.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Northgate Media Inc. for this advertisement on NXWI.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by  Media Plan AG for the advertisement on MNLU.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Business Solutions of the Future, Inc. for the advertisement on GNPT.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by Trinity International Inc. for this advertisement on IBGH.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Wall Street Grand LLC for the advertisement on OPTL.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by Trinity International Inc. for this advertisement on MDCE.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Wall Street Grand LLC. for the advertisement on MDLH.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Smallcap Consultants Inc. for the advertisement on HDUP.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by Trinity International Inc. for this advertisement on CIST.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by  Green Horseshoe Inc. for the advertisement on SNWT.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by Allen James Group for the advertisement of ECRY.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Dream Team Group Inc. for the advertisement on NPDT

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Silver King Consulting Inc. for the advertisement on TSNI.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Small Cap Consultants Inc., for the advertisement on AJGH.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by OTC Capital Inc., for the advertisement on BLAP.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Temeku Financial Inc., for the advertisement on IFUS.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Hanover Financial Services Inc, for the advertisement on JUHL.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Green Horseshoe Inc, for the advertisement on SATM.

WB has been compensated $42,000.00 by PMG Inc., for the advertisement on EXRG.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Hanover Financial Services Inc., for the advertisement on SLTZ.

WB has been compensated, $40,000.00 by ADD Ventures LLC, for the advertisement on BRGO.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Wazalmin Capital Corp./ Salim Rana, for the advertisement on LMCO.

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by WallStreetGrand LLC., for the advertisement on OPTZ.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Hanover Financial, for the advertisement on EQLB.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Smallcap Consultants Inc., for the advertisement on MLMN.

WB has been compensated $20,000.00 by PMG Inc., for the advertisement on ABHI.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by ADD Ventures LLC., for the advertisement on BRZM.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Allen James Group. for the advertisement on MBYL.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Rainmaker Global Inc., for the advertisement on TLAN.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Capital Investment Group, for the advertisement on EWPI.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Hanover Financial, for the advertisement on SLTZ.

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by Cissonius N.V. for the advertisement on RXAC.

WB has been compensated,  $45,000.00 by Progressive Media Group Inc. for the advertisement of POSC.

WB has been compensated, $45,000.00 by Progressive Media Group Inc. for the advertisement of EFIR.

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by Resultz Media Group Inc. for the advertisement of SNRY.

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by Longview Communications for the advertisement of IOSA

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by TI Consulting Inc. for the advertisement of ELRA.

WB has been compensated, $10,000.00 by Winning Media for the advertisement of SILA.

WB has been compensated, $11,000.00 by Stockmister LLC, for the advertisement of SPPH.

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by  ADD Ventures LLC for the advertisement of CNOZ.

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by Allen James Group for the advertisement of KORE.

WB has been compensated, $10,000.00 by Winning Media for the advertisement of SILA

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by  Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of PERT.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by  Waters Edge Advisors for the advertisement of BROE.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Winning Media for the advertisement of FLPC.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by Longview Communications Inc. for the advertisement of CRPZ.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by Trinity International LLC, for the advertisement of TRTB.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Winning Media for the advertisement of SILA.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by Allen James Group, for the advertisement of BPAC.

WB has been compensated $8,000.00 by Winning Media for this advertisement of FLPC

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by  Longview Communications Inc. for the advertisement of IDOI.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by Carter Analytics for the advertisement of MRES.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Longview Communications for the advertisement of FDEI.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by  Winning Media for the advertisement of HHWW.

WB has been compensated $8,000.00 by Winning Media for this advertisement of FLPC.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by Allen James Group for the advertisement of OTGI.

WB has been compensated $24,000.00 by Winning Media for the advertisement of SILA.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Longview Communications for the advertisement of GCHK

WB has been compensated, $24,000.00 by Winning Media for the advertisement of NATC.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Winning Media for the advertisement AMPW.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Longview Communications for the advertisement of SRGE.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by Quality Stocks LLC for the advertisement of DUCP.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Kenny Consulting LLC for the advertisement of CSEY.

WB has been compensated, $24,000.00 by Winning Media for the advertisement of IPRC

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by a Media for the advertisement of HHWW.

WB has been compensated $40,000.00 by Stronghold Venture Capital Partners, Inc. for the advertisement of MSMY.

WB has been compensated, $8,000.00 by Winning Media for the advertisement of AMPW

WB has been compensated, $8,000.00 cash by Winning Media for the advertisement of LBYE.

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by Longview Communications for the advertisement of UNDT.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Quantum Consulting Group Inc. for the advertisement of ADCF.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Allen James Group Inc. for the advertisement of IOSA.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by V3 Services Inc. for the advertisement of WMNS.

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by a third party, Carter Analytics. for the advertisement of GLFW.

WB has been compensated, $10,000.00 by a  Allen James Group. for the advertisement of Universal Potash Corp. UPCO.

WB has been compensated, $10,000.00 by a  Allen James Group. for the advertisement of FCCN.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Wazalmil Capital Corp. for the advertisement of LMCO.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Linear Group Holdings. for the advertisement of SENY.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Open Water Investments Inc. for the advertisement of SCRK.

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by Stellar Media Group for the advertisement of UNDT.

WB has been compensated$15,000.00 by IAB Media Inc. for the advertisement of RNTL.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by EAG Group. for the advertisement of USOG.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by TI Consulting Inc. for the advertisement of QLTS.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Winning Media. for the advertisement of FLPC.

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by  James Group for the advertisement DANR.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Quantum Consulting for the advertisement of UNGS.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Winning Media for the advertisement of AVVC.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Equities Awareness Group LLC for the advertisement of ACAR

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by TI Consulting Inc for the advertisement of HWIC.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by MetaArts Ltd. the advertisement of CATA.

WB has been compensated, $17,000.00 by  Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of LMCO

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by  Palancar Capital Corp. for the advertisement of AUMY.

WB has been compensated, $33,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of EAPH.

WB has been compensated, $13,000.00 by  Openwater Investments Inc. for the advertisement of FTEG.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by JD Venture Group LLC. for the advertisement of VPLM.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Indigo Advisors LLC for the advertisement of ZERO.

WB has been compensated, $22,500.00 by Progressive Media Group for the advertisement of SYAI

WB has been compensated, $12,000.00 by Allen James Group for the advertisement of AGCC.

WB has been compensated, $10,000.00 by Winning Media for the advertisement of LSTG.

WB has been compensated $20,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of AXIH.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by a third party, Endeavor Capital Management LLC for the advertisement of FGLD.

WB has been compensated, $22,500.00 by JD Venture Group LLC for the advertisement of FLRE.

WB has been compensated, $20,000.00 by Endeavour Capital Management LLC for the advertisement of SLGX.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of EAPH.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Winning Media for this advertisement of LSTG.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by  Winning Media for the advertisement of WSML.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 Winning Media for the advertisement of STEV.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by  Capital Corp. for the advertisement of AXIH.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Winning Media for this advertisement of LSTG.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 JD Ventures Group for the advertisement of EMPM.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of AXIH.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by a third party, Winning Media for the advertisement of ECRY.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by JD Venture Group for the advertisement of ASKE.

WB has been compensated $15,000.00 by Winning Media for this advertisement of LSTG

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Winning Media for this advertisement of LSTG.

WB has been compensated, $5,000.00 by JP Investments for a one time advertisement of GSPT.

WB has been compensated, $25,000.00 by Winning Media for this advertisement of LSTG.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by  JD Venture Group LLC for this advertisement of KLDO.

WB has been compensated, $15,000.00 by Winning Media for this advertisement of NECA.

WB has been compensated, $6,000.00 by Micro Cap Consultants LLC for the advertisement of PLPL.

WB has been compensated, $23,000.00 by a third party, Numark Capital Corp. for this advertisement of AXIH.

WB has been compensated, $23,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for this advertisement of OSLH

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by JD Venture Group LLC for this advertisement of BCDH.

WB has been compensated, $10,000.00 by ODD Marketing LLC for this advertisement of PTAH.

WB has been compensated, $7,000.00 by ODD Marketing LLC for this advertisement of WTII.

WB has been compensated, $8,000.00  ODD Marketing LLC for this advertisement of CATA.

WB has been compensated, $10,000.00 by 007 Stock Chat LLC for this advertisement of HRID.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Quantum Consulting for the advertisement of ONTC.

WB has been compensated $8,000.00 by Awareness Consulting Network LLC for the advertisement of GSAG.

WB has been compensated $12,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of NXOI.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by a third party, Creme Dellatex Inc for the advertisement of AQUS.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Cream Consulting Group Inc. for the advertisement of ARNH.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Indigo advisors for the advertisement of ITNS.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by ODD Marketing for the advertisement of GTRL.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp for the advertisement of NRTI.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by ODD Marketing for the advertisement of IFIX.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of NXOID.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Indigo Advisors for the advertisement of ILVC.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by ODD Marketing for the advertisement of GESI.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp for the advertisement of BILB.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp for the advertisement of WFSV.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Microcap Innovations for the advertisement of IMTC.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Microcap Innovations for the advertisement of VNIR.

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by Microcap Innovations for the advertisement of LDSI.

WB has been compensated $6,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp for the advertisement of NYXO.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Cyclone101.com for the advertisement of TMGR.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Nakota Marketing for the advertisement of DUCP.

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by Cyberado Technologies Inc. for the advertisement of IEAG.

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Equity Awareness Group for the advertisement of PZOO.

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Stronghold Capital Ventures LLC for the advertisement of CWET.

WB has been compensated $2,500.00 by MicroCap Innovation for the advertisement of GNGR.

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement of(YLLC).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement of(TGWI).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Nakota Marketing LLC. Vallos for the advertisement of(CTLE).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Cyberado Technologies Inc for the advertisement of(GMXS).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement of(LFAP).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Zacks Verticle Resonse Inc for the advertisement of(MSSD).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Nakota Marketing for the advertisement of(BRZV).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Microcap Innovation/L. Mozzzarella for the advertisement of (WTCG)

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Quantum Consulting for the advertisement of (CNGI).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by MNR Inc. for the advertisement of (NWTR).

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp for the advertisement of (RITE).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Micro-Cap Innovations for the advertisement of (VTMB).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Allen James Group for the advertisement of (TWGI).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by OTC Reporter for the advertisement of (EXLA).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Awareness Consulting Network for the advertisement of (BFLD).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by The Vincent Group for the advertisement of (LIGA).

WB has been compensated $3,500.00 by ODD Marketing for the advertisement of (IMNG).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Crème Consulting for the advertisement of (GVIT).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Micro-Cap Innovation for the advertisement of (HKTU).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Micro-Cap Innovation for the advertisement of (PDPR).

WB has been compensated $4,500.00 by ODD Marketing for the advertisement of (CCRY).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement of (PMEA).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement of (IDNG).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement of (SNPD).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Awareness Consulting Network for the advertisement of (BFLD).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Stock Chat LLC for the advertisement of (OSLH).

WB has been compensated $4,900.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of (DCDG).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Stock Appeal LLC for the advertisement of (VVIT).

WB has been compensated $6,000.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement of (NGHT).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Star Media for the advertisement of (LTNC).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by ODD Marketing for the advertisement of (VIDA).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Awareness Consulting Network for the advertisement of (ASKE).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of (EAPH).

WB has been compensated $4,500.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement of (TTRI).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of (LWCTF).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of (LWCTF).

WB has been compensated $6,500.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of (EVSV).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by ODD Marketing LLC for the advertisement of (FNRC).

WB has been compensated $3,500.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of (APHD).

WB has been compensated $5,500.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of (NANI).

WB has been compensated $3,500.00 by Creme Consulting Inc for the advertisement of (PLPL).

WB has been compensated $5,500.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of (NANI).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Zacks Verticle Reach for the advertisement of (CNTO).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of (VIZS).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of (GGCO).

WB has been compensated $10,000.00 by D. Lawless for the advertisement of (WDAS).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by ALG Financial LLC for the advertisement of Positive ID Corp. (PSID).

WB has been compensated $6,000.00 by MicroCap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of (VIZS).

WB has been compensated $2,000.00 by Cambridge Consulting. for the advertisement of (AGIN).

WB has been compensated $7,000.00 by Microcap Innovation. for the advertisement of Boldface Group Inc.,(BLBK).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by ODD Marketing LLC for the advertisement of (TUNG).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of (PGVI).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by from MicroCap Innovation LLC for the advertisement (ETEK).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by MicroCap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of (IWEB).

WB has been compensated $3,500.00 by MicroCap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of Grillit, Inc (GRLT).

WB has been compensated $6,000.00 by MicroCap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of Interactive Liesure Systems Inc. (IALS).

WB has been compensated $6,000.00 by MicroCap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of (DPHS).

WB has been compensated $6,000.00 by Creme Consulting, for the advertisement of (PLPL).

WB has been compensated $6,000.00 Dollars by from Creme Consulting, for the advertisement of (NVLX).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by MicroCap Innovation for the advertisement of Santa Fe Petrolium Inc. (SFPI).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Awareness Consulting Network LLC for the advertisement of Abby Inc. (ABBY).

WB has been compensated $3,500.00 by Outreach Holdings SA for the advertisement of Exlites Holdings International, Inc. (EXHI).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Stock Appeal LLC for the advertisement of Medifocus, Inc. (MDFZF).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by ODD Marketing LLC for the advertisement of Webxu, Inc. (WBXU)

WB has been compensated $6,500.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of MLight tech, Inc. (MGLT)

WB has been compensated $6,000.00 by Star Media LLC for the advertisement of Paw4mance Pet Products International, Inc. (PAWP).

WB has been compensated $6,500.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of, RJD Green,Inc, Inc.(RJDG).

WB has been compensated $4,500.00 by ODD Marketing LLC for the advertisement of Foodfest, Inc. (FDFT ).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by ODD Marketing LLC for the advertisement of Sanomemedics International Holdings, Inc. (SIMH).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by E-Vision Holdings LLC, Inc. for the advertisement of Medient Studios Inc. (MDNT).

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by ODD Marketing LLC. for the advertisement of Data Call Technologies Inc. (DCLT).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by E-Vision Holdings, Inc. for the advertisement of Medient Studios Inc. (MDNT).

WB has been compensated $2,500.00 by Microcap Innovations LLC. for the advertisement of Amplitech Group, Inc. (AMPG).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by E-Vision HoldingsLLC. for the advertisement of E-Rewards Network Inc. (ERNI).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by One 22 Media LLC. for the advertisement of CD International Enterprises Inc. (CDII).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of Verde Resources Inc. (VRDR).

WB has been compensated $3,500.00 by ODD Marketing LLCInc. for the advertisement of Itonis Inc. (ITNS).

WB has been compensated $2,500.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of, SGD Holdings Inc. (SGDH).

WB has been compensated $3,500.00 by New Western Energy Corp. for the advertisement of New Western Energy Inc. (NWTR).

WB has been compensated $3,500.00 by Creme Consulting LLC for the advertisement of, Life Apps Digital Media Inc. (LFAP).

WB has been compensated $3,500.00 by Creme Consulting LLC for the advertisement of Inscor, Inc. (IOGA).

WB has been compensated $2,500.00 by Carriage Consulting Group for the advertisement of Entropia, Inc. (ENRT).

WB has been compensated $2,500.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of Medical Cannibus Solutions. (REFG).

WB has been compensated $2,000.00 by Creme Consulting LLC for the advertisement of Mineralrite Corp. (RITE).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Bull In Advantage. for the advertisement of Resource Ventures, Inc. (REVI).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 Dollars by Creme Consulting LLC for the advertisement of Inscor, Inc. (IOGA).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Awareness Consulting Network LLC for the advertisement of Bravo Enterprises Ltd. (OGNG).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Creme Consulting LLC for the advertisement of Planda Biotechnology, Inc. (PLPL).

WB has been compensated $3,500.00 by One Twenty-Two Media Inc. for the advertisement of Firstin Wireless Inc. (FINW).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement of Suburban Minerals Corp. (SUBB).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by BAS1LLC. for the advertisement of Pacific Oil Company, (POIL).

WB has been compensated $2,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement of Novus Acquisition and Development Corp., (NDEV).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement of SGD Holdings, (SGDH).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Speak Easy Media LLC for the advertisement of USA Real Estate Holding Company, (USTC).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp for the advertisement of Single Point Inc. (SING).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Awareness Consulting Network for the advertisement of Bravo Enterprises Ltd (OGNG).

WB has been compensated $4,500.00 by Speak Easy Media LLC for the advertisement of Mining MInerals of Mexico, Corp. (WIIM).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Carriage Consulting Group for the advertisement of Kilimanjaro Capital (KIMJF).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Stockchat LLC for the advertisement of Verdi Media Group Inc. (VMGI).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Speak Easy Media LLC for the advertisement of All Marketing Solutions Inc. (PTPF).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Carriage Consulting Group LLC for the advertisement of Consorteum Holdings Inc. (CSRH)

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Carriage Consulting Group LLC for the advertisement of Chitr Chatr Communbications Inc. (CFICF)

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by C. Durango for the advertisement of Mediant Studios Inc. (MDNT)

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Speak Easy Media LLC for the advertisement of Definitive Rest Mattress Co. (DRMC)

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Pacific Capital Media LLC for the advertisement of DNA Dynamics Inc (DNAD)

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Awareness Consulting Network LLC for the advertisementof Global Green Inc. (GOGC))

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by C. Durango for the advertisement of Clean Enviro Tech Corp. (CETC)

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Speak Easy Media LLC for the advertisement of Caribbean International Holdings Inc., (CIHN)

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Stock Chat LLC for the advertisement of Music of Your Life, Inc. (MYLI)

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by C. Durango for the advertisement and increased awareness of Eco Building Products, Inc. (ECOB)

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Speak Easy Media LLC for the advertisement of PetVivo Holdings Inc. (PETV)

WB has been compensated $4,000.00 by Meridian Ventures LLC for the advertisement of Media Analytics Corporation (MEDA)

WB has been compensated $3,250.00 by Bull In Advantage LLC for the advertisement of GEO Global Energy Corp. (GEIG)

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by C. Durango for the advertisement and increased awareness of Eco Building Products, Inc. (ECOB)

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Creme Consulting LLC for the advertisement of Mobile Lads Corp. (MOBO)

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Miicrocap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of ilink2music.com (ILIM).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by 122 Media LLC for the advertisement of Techno Concepts Inc. (TCPS).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Hanover Financial LLC for the advertisement of PositiveID Corp. (PSID).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of All Microelectronics Tecompanyhnology (MELY).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement of Peoplesway(.)com (PLWY).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Nakota Marketing LLC for the advertisement of Nano Labs Corp. (CTLE).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Numark Capital LLC for the advertisement of Blue Water Ventures Inc. (BWVI).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by PacificCapital Media Group LLC for the advertisement of Everlert Inc. (EVLI).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Carriage Consulting Group LLC for the advertisement of Powerdyne International Inc. (PWDY).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Hanover Financial LLC for the advertisement of PositiveID Corp., (PSID).

WB has been compensated $6,000.00 by Hanover Financial LLC for the advertisement and increased awareness of PositiveID Corp., (PSID).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by CMC Ventures LLC for the advertisement and increased awareness of Relmada Therapeutics Inc., (RLMD).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement and increased awareness of Thinspace Tech Inc., (THNS).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Emedia Advisors LLC for the advertisement and increased awareness of Cannagrow Holdings Inc., (CGRW).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Microcap Innovation LLC for the advertisement and increased awareness of Ubiquity Corp., (UBIQ).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Numark Capital Corp. for the advertisement and increased awareness of SonaSoft Corp., (SSFT).

WB has been compensated $2,500.00 by Hanover Financial LLC for the advertisement and increased awareness of Digi Path Inc., (DIGP).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement and increased awareness of First Columbia Gold Corp., (FCGD).

WB has been compensated $5,000.00 by Numark Capital for the advertisements and increased awareness of Blue Water Global Group, Inc. (BLUU).

WB has been compensated $7,500.00 by C Durango for the advertisement and increased awareness of Positive ID Corp. (PSID).

WB has been compensated $3,000.00 by Microcap Innovation for the advertisement and increased awareness of Nexia Holdings Inc., (NXHD).

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